A Journey 2024 Movie Review Trailer

 The story begins with Shane (Kaye Abad), who after turning 39 discovers that his cancer has returned. Not wanting to go through the physical and mental exhaustion of cancer treatment again, Shane accepts his fate and decides it's the perfect time to start accomplishing the list of things he's always wanted to do.  For her part, Bryan (Paolo Contis), her husband, and Tupe (Patrick García), her best friend, are determined to help her fulfill every point on the list to make her happy, but above all to convince her to undergo chemotherapy. in the hope of prolonging his life. This trip will teach all three of them the importance of valuing time with their loved ones. Director: RC Delos Reyes Writers: Erwin Blanco, Rona Lean Sales Stars: Kaye Abad, Paolo Contis, Patrick Garcia “Life won't reach you if you wait to fulfill your dreams,” Shane advises her two best friends. This phrase very well represents this film that addresses a complicated and common topic such as terminal canc...

Crypto Boy 2023 Movie Review Trailer

Crypto Boy is a Dutch drama film released on Netflix on October 19, 2023. It is directed by Shady El-Hamus and the script is co-written with Jeroen Scholten van Aschat. The cinematography is done by Daan Bukman and runs for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.

The film's cast includes Shahine El-Hamus as Amir, Sabri Saad El-Hamus as Omar, Minne Koole as Roy, Isabelle Kafando as Ima, Manoushka Zeegelaar-Breeveld as Jetty, Leny Breederveld as Ans, Raymond Thiry as Ger, Loes Schnepper as Bertha, Jonas Smulders as Danny, Kendrick Etmon as Suavé, Tobias Kersloot as Gianni, Yari van der Linden as Brian and others.

Director: Shady El-Hamus
Writers: Shady El-Hamus, Jeroen Scholten van Aschat
Stars: Evrim Akyigit, Nadia Amin, Volodymyr Barabanov

Amir El-Neni, 20, is a self-proclaimed scammer who has many ideas and a dream to get rich quick. But he doesn't really have a supportive family who supports his aspirations or even takes him seriously. When he's not delivering food for Omar's father's Mexican restaurant, Burrito, he's throwing mustache oil on naïve teenagers to make some extra money. However, when Brownville purchases the entire block, they face the dilemma of leaving everything behind or paying the rent increase to keep their restaurant.

When Amir suggests that they should make this restaurant more modern to match the new vibe of the neighborhood and attract more customers, Omar rejects all of his son's ideas. Omar, who can barely trust Amir to make deliveries on time, believes his son is irresponsible and unprepared to one day run the family business. He is convinced that he built the restaurant and created a new life with his will and power. And he can do it for more years, regardless of how much he can change the world.

But when Amir meets a charismatic crypto brother named Roy Warner, he sees a way out. Determined to prove himself to his father, Amir gets lost in Roy's crypto startup, while Omar becomes increasingly suspicious of his son's new career. Roy is everything Amir wants to be: young, rich, and successful enough for others to admire him. Anyway, he finds his way to Roy's company, Crypcore Capital, and lands the sales position. When the big money bills start arriving from day one, Amir decides to blindly follow Roy and his employees.

While Amir witnesses the life that huge money could offer, his father struggles to keep the restaurant running. From renewing the aesthetic to delivering orders, he does it all by himself. But can a man really take on a big company that has already bought up his old friend's stores and surrounding areas? However, cracks begin to appear in Amir's growing career when investor clients start showing up asking for his money and calling the company a scam.

The film highlights how the family often undermines the members they have seen grow up and often kills their spirits. In their eyes, they are still little children incapable of making the right decision, but in reality, they just want validation for the skills they have learned. Amir and Omar certainly care a lot about each other, but they don't understand where they are coming from. Omar hopes Amir will step up and take over the restaurant. Amir tries to do that, but in his own way, which Omar ignores.

With Roy's help, Amir finally finds a way to prove that he can be useful and take care of the family. But she finds it conflicting to have to follow the eccentric behaviors of his colleague and often overlook his family. He hoped that money would solve all the problems and bring everyone together, but the reality is the opposite. In a way, Amir and Roy are mirror characters with the same motivation. Even with a rich father, Roy has to prove his worth and chooses the wrong path to prove it.

In an overview, the story is not something you haven't heard before, but what makes it different is the subtlety with which it is presented. It addresses the themes of chosen families, finding your roots, the glamor of instant success, and how family support plays an important role in a person's life. It is a happy but touching story that many would identify with and from which they can learn a good lesson.

Watch Crypto Boy 2023 Movie Trailer


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